I observed the artists and watched carefully to see how they used the tjanting tool. The tool is a small copper cup with a tiny spout on the bottom/side of the cup. The cup is attached to a bamboo handle. It is dipped into hot wax, and then, as the wax flows out of the spout, it is applied to the fabric by the artist, who is following drawn lines. In my case, I will have no drawn lines to follow. Scary.
Then I swam and had dinner, after which I painted over this image with clear encaustic medium, and scraped it back to reveal a flat image. I'll try to take a photo of it tomorrow, but may not have time, since there's a big wedding in the village. A young priest (18) is getting married and the village has been busy all week preparing decorations, offerings, and food for the wedding. He's marrying a girl from an adjacent village, and there will be all sorts of processions. A very high priest is being transported form 2 hrs away to perform the ceremony. Very big deal. They are expecting 2,000 people. Not 200. 2,000. One of my 'family' members was busy until 11 pm working on the food boxes (2,000 food boxes). The wedding begins at 8:00 a.m, so I'd better get to sleep.